Who: YOU! Big or small – Short or tall. Y’ALL COME!
What: Picnic and Hootenanny. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Carn-on-the Cob, Watermelon, and Pop all provided.
When: Saturday, September 5, 2009 – 4:00 PM ‘till Dark.
Where: U.S.F.S Wildcat Guard Station on Boulder Mountain. Drive 10 miles south of Grover on SR 12.
Why: Because we like you!
B.Y.O.B: Bring your own banjo or other musical instruments and maybe a folding chair or two.
If you go out in the woods today, You’d better not go alone.
It’s lovely out in the woods today, But safer to stay at home.
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain, because today’s the day the “Grover Boyz” have their picnic
801-362-4874, or
We wish to thank our participating sponsors including the Grover Squat and Gobble, the Parasite Ranch, S & M Toorz, Crippled Horse Consulting and Outfitting, Lil’ Buddy Budget Burials, the Happy Chicken Egg Ranch, Backyard Bronze, and Rosie’s Blog (Ride the High Plateau, redrockrosie.blogspot.com).