Soakin’ up the sunshine, breathin’ air that’s free
I was ridin’ on the hobbyhorse, while dangerous rode the mare
Ernest packin’ ole Fremont, who rode without a care

What a day for loafin’… so good it’d make you cry
Pleasant Creek was sparklin’, as the warm sun climbed the sky
I reveled in the freedom… I let my spirit soar
Good friends and horses on a ride, who could ask for more?

There was clatter from the equine hooves, as we crossed the rocky ground
A screeching hawk on silent wing, the only other sound
A smile stuck firmly to my face, couldn’t wipe it if I’d tried
The scene too grand and life too good to just be brushed aside

There were carvings on a rock wall, put there by unknown hand
We gave ‘em close inspection… but respect the ancient band
Then I considered all the years it took to shape a rock
Honored just to know, I too, am part of history’s clock

We crossed the creek a time or two, as rock walls blocked our path
With colors, textures, shapes and forms left by time’s great wrath
To form things even half so grand, what an artist He must be
Though this canyon isn’t heaven, it’s quite good enough for me

As my mind took flight to other realms, new vistas brought their joys
We were timeless travelers on a quest, just like little boys
Life was full of promise, like when I was nine or ten
As nature worked it’s magic, life here seemed to have no end

Then Ernest, in his wisdom, jerked my mortal chain
As he launched ole Bob with one great leap and caused a bit of pain
Just a brief reminder… we were still on mortal ground
I’d better pay attention or there’ll be knots upon my crown

Well, Ernest’s wisdom lasts a while, but revelry was strong
I was again soon lost in thought to nature’s siren song
Pleasant Creek… what better name or title could it hold
To deal a man such pleasure and refresh his very soul?
As promised, Dangerous finally posted Mississippi Max's poem describing his ride down Pleasant Creek in September. With the change in weather, we are stuck at home, so I will have more time to share recent and past adventures with you. As I mentioned in my last blog, we spent last week exploring Anasazi Indian ruins with Nature Dan and Utah Jack. Dangerous took a lot of pictures and I have some interesting commentary to share about our trip. Stay tuned for more adventures from the High Plateau. Love to hear from you!