Ole Dangerous and I don't spend all our time riding horses. Well, he rides, and I trot along behind. Even at his advanced years, he still occasionally puts on his outdated backpack, and loads me up with extra water and dog food. As you can tell we aren't REI fashion slaves. Dangerous wears his usual redneck outfit -- blue jeans and ball cap. I am stuck with the same outfit where ever we go. We do get some interesting looks from current generation backpackers. Ole Dangerous' hearing isn't so good, but I can hear those young upstarts asking each other how that old guy with the external frame pack and Russian Olive hiking stick got so far into the back country. If I could, I would explain that it isn't age and equipment that gets you in and out of the wilderness. You have to want to be there. From what I understand, the deaf old boy I hike with has been doing it for over 30 years. And, I suspect that you can tell from the picture why he continues plodding along. Here's to 30 more years.
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