The gifts seem a bit strange to me. Heart shaped boxes full of chocolate which I can't eat. Vases full of roses that soon wilt and die and the one I really don't get is something called a "pajamagram." What is so romantic about a pair of pajamas? I regularly sleep on the floor in what I already have on. A heart-shaped, meat lover's pizza does appeal to my romantic side.
While these are all great valentines, I guess, the strangest I've heard about is the burial plot Dangerous' wife Trea, gave him a few years back. I can't think of a more practical gift for an aging eccentric like Dangerous, but I still don't see the romance in a cemetery lot. Maybe she figures that's the only place he will stay put long enough to celebrate Valentine's Day or any other holiday. He is usually home Christmas Day and New Years only because it's too cold to ride or hike.
If anyone deserves a valentine, Trea should get the biggest and best one around. For 40 years, she has put up with her husband's wilderness wanderings. I overheard her ask him one year as she was preparing to return to teaching, "Well, I hope you had a good summer!" After her inquiry, off she went to teach school, and Dangerous loaded Dottie in the trailer, and we went riding. Why she puts up with him is any one's guess?
I know a deep bond of affection exists between them even though they spend a lot of time apart. She makes his outdoor life possible, and has found a place among the strange group of characters he rides and hikes with. She loves to talk ideas with Fremont Bob and Nature Dan, and doesn't take any guff from Utah Jack. She patiently listens to their stories, and quickly thumbs through Dangerous' pictures trying to act interested. But, best of all, she takes real good care of me when Dangerous can't take me with him. She is always kind and generous to me and everyone else. Just ask the special needs kids she teaches. They all love her! So, this High Plateau valentine is for you Trea!
Rosie, What a great post... We also love Trea! I have never met someone so thoughtful and creative as this crazy haired woman who never misses the chance to pet us and love us! We have been enjoying your blog over here at the the youngest of the Utah Jack offspring household. Thanks for showing us your "softer side!" we like it...
Happy Valentines to you and yours!
Berkley and Aspen Barratt
We agree that "Grandma Trea," as we call her, is the best. Tell her "Happy Valentine's" from us!
Yep, Tria is a sweetheart for sure. And, she gave me your saddle. That Wilcox kid doesn't get it. Best Wishes from the Fremont and Bluester says "Hi". By the way, I've been learning how to talk "Chicken". It's a language, like Chinese, except a little tougher. I've been teaching my rooster English. He can sing "Come, Come, Ye Saints". It'll be a good act for the tourists.
Rosie. No jokes, just best wishes to Trea and Doug on this upcoming Valentine’s Day. As a lucky “saddle tramp” with a wonderful, loving wife, I know what it means to have the support of such lady.
“The Lady and the Horse”
You’ve heard it said that an ole cowboy
Has a kiss for a horse and a girl
The lady brings laughter, sweetness, and joy
While his horse makes him right with the world
Now he finds them both quite alluring
When with one, it’s the other he seeks
When the bronc needs a little more curing
His mind turns to soft, rosy cheeks
But this cowboy has solved the great riddle,
‘Bout ladies and horses and such.
No longer caught in the middle
Brought to heel by a sweet lady’s touch
A touch made all the sweeter, of course
When she says with a smile, “You can keep that old horse.”
Happy Valentine's Day Rosie. I've got to get out of here and find some flowers...
Rosie. Hope you had a great Valentine's weekend. Just a point or two addressed to Fremont Bob. Bob, I think it’s great that you’re learning “Chicken.” Shows a man willing to stretch his horizons. Just one question though. Do Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds speak the same dialect? I’d hate to go to the trouble of learning RIR and not be able to talk Leghorn with my own chickens. In any event, I do admire your spunk. I’ve not been able to teach a rooster to sing hymns, though I did get so far as to teach one to whistle “Dixie” in the key of G. It didn’t work out too well though… he didn’t really like show business. I believe he though I was making all the money and he was getting chicken feed. We never got a chance to work things out. My unreconstructed grandma caught him practicing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and he ended up in some dumplings.
Learning Chicken is tough. It's a tonal language, with only a single word, "Cluck". So, "Cluck, cluck, cluck", can mean a number of things, depending upon tonal inflection of the voice. It can mean Doctor, pan, horse, come here, or "No, I don't care for dumplings". As to dialects, I'm not sure there are others, as I have been taking Chicken lessons from a single rooster. I would guess there are. I call the rooster "Mr. Ed". He's the one I found hanging upside down by one of his spurs up in the barn rafters a number of years ago; he spent two weeks in Rooster Rehabilitation as a consequence and we've been friends ever since. Just recently he's decided to teach me Chicken, kind of a payback, I guess, for Rooster Rehabilitation. Friends have suggested I let him ride in my truck with me, perched on the console between the front seats. I haven't gone for that one as I believe it would be hillbillyish, kind of like letting the goat stand on top of your 1984 Toyota Pickup, the one with the fog lights on top.
I've found animals generally enjoy religious music. Dangerous Doug can tell you about my past success with my Dog Trio. We made big tips with the tourists out on the mountain. I played harmonica, Rex and Boomer did the singing. Oh, and by the way, "Come, Come, Ye Saints" was their favorite. Second was "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel". Best, Fremont
Oh, and by the way, Doug and Tria, hope your Valentines Weekend was swell. You're both, as they say, a pair to draw to. Best from the Fremont
Fremont. Thanks for the good wishes. I hope your Valentine weekend was a good one too. Thanks also for the information. I had figured from your reference to Chinese that Chicken was a tonal language. I can also see that a vocabulary based on one word would make it a danged tricky language to use. You might mean to offer a fellow a soda pop and end up insulting his dog. On the other hand, if put to general use, it might encourage some folks just to keep their mouths shut and that might not be a bad thing... especially during election years. As for letting Mr. Ed ride in the truck; I'd have to agree with your decision. It's not the possibility of being perceived a hillbilly that's the problem. It's simply that there is no way to ride around with a hymn-singing rooster in your truck and not be accused of ostentatious behavior.
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