As you can see, spring is a bit late in coming to the High Plateau. We had dreams of spending at least one night in Grover last week, but it will take another three weeks of sunshine before I can walk down the driveway. Dangerous did climb the gate with his show shoes on and got to the cabin, but the snow was too deep for this sheep dog. When he got to the porch, he had to step down from the snow drift to reach the front door. I waited in the truck with Utah Jack.

The Spring Equinox is a high religious holiday around our place because it brings the promise of warm weather. Ol' Dangerous has dusted off his hiking boots, brushed the horses, filled the propane tanks on the sheep camp, put wood shavings in the horse trailer, and oiled his saddle; but I think he is kidding himself. The season will start late this year. He tells me that in the 24 seasons riding the High Plateau this is only the second time snow has stopped him from spending the night in Grover. You can imagine Utah Jack's mood after riding 200 miles to see snow blocking the driveway. What does he have to complain about? He got to sit up front while I spent over six hours riding in the back of the truck.

There are some hopeful signs that spring isn't too far off. Dangerous can't use cold weather any longer to delay cleaning up the place. Trea won't listen to that excuse, and will have him out there cleaning up the backyard soon. With the snow receding rapidly, he has been outside policing up four months of "dog bombs" that Max and I dropped this past winter. Before he can even think about using the lawnmower he recently had serviced, he has to shovel off the lawns and pick up all the junk that has blown into the yard. If things go as usual, he will hit the yard work a hard lick until May and then start disappearing regularly. As you can tell from the picture, a spiffy yard and fancy house aren't high priorities.

Utah Jack likes to make fun of Dangerous' yard care standards, but a guy who lives in a coop shouldn't cast stones. He might sweep the porch more frequently than Dangerous, but Dangerous does have indoor plumbing and a phone that works. Utah does have more cable TV channels which he needs to get through winter.

I sometimes think Dangerous picks his friends based on their lack of interest in uptown living. As you can see, Bronze-Age-Man, one of Dangerous' good friends, reflects this attitude nicely. It might not look like much, but you can find about anything you need around Mike's place. If he doesn't have it, you don't need it! After living five long winter months in a drafty trailer, Mike will be the first to let us know when spring actually arrives on the High Plateau.
I always know when spring has actually arrived. For some of you, the Easter Bunny announces it, but not for us. When the spring nymph shows up in our backyard, I know it is time to head to Grover and really start the riding and hiking season.
I am interested in knowing how all of you wintered out. Drop me a comment or two about how you got through this long winter, and what you plan to do this summer. Love to hear from you!
By the way, I thought I should bring you up-to-date on two things. First, I am sorry that I haven't been writing as often as usual. With the cold weather, I haven't had many adventures to share, but with the start of warm weather, you should hear from me more often. Second I thought you should know that we found Frankie Lane dead in the backyard this morning. I want you to know that I had nothing to do with his death. Even I feel the loss!
I am interested in knowing how all of you wintered out. Drop me a comment or two about how you got through this long winter, and what you plan to do this summer. Love to hear from you!
By the way, I thought I should bring you up-to-date on two things. First, I am sorry that I haven't been writing as often as usual. With the cold weather, I haven't had many adventures to share, but with the start of warm weather, you should hear from me more often. Second I thought you should know that we found Frankie Lane dead in the backyard this morning. I want you to know that I had nothing to do with his death. Even I feel the loss!
Has been a long snowy couple of months and walking daily with Lefty was a challenge. I'd blaze a snowshoe trail, next morning, drifted over...that happened for weeks..2 feet in some spots..bad on the back trying to get through it all, slipping, falling, dodging the dog..he loved it. Now it is mostly MUD. Even I want Springy weather. Missed your weekly updates. Go make some adventures!
Poor Frankie. I hope it was natural causes.
If I see the spring nymph, I'm stealing his pants.
I think Frankie Lane was the last Pheasant in Utah County and there used to be lots and lots. Progress!!! I read where Utah County is like #8 in the nation, pollution wise. No wonder I choke out when I get up your way. What the hell, you might as well all take up Cigar Smoking. Then you'd taste the Cigar, not your chewy air. My theory, Frankie Lane choked on your air....., got a big piece caught in his throat. Save the carcass and we'll taxidermy him with cotton balls; it'll be like he's not even gone. Don't know what got me started. Best from the Fremont where gentle spring breezes carry the fragrance of last falls manure as it thaws after a mighty frigid wintertime.
Maybe if you owned a 4 wheeler with a plow, you could access your cabin.
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